About Me

Find your joy and run with it. Let Rosie lead the way.

Hi! My name is Rosie Mankes. My journey in life has been full, abundant, beautiful, heartbreaking, and disappointing, and then Joyful once again

I had a thriving career in ad sales and partnership marketing for some of the largest publishing houses and non-profit companies. I have a loving husband and two beautiful sons. To the outside world, life was great when people peered into my window. However, I had some major adversity along the way that I wasn’t prepared for and that no one could predict.

In 2008 at the age of 44, I was diagnosed with an early stage lung cancer and had 10% of my right lung removed. In 2015 at the age of 52, I was diagnosed with an early stage breast cancer, tested positive for the breast cancer gene, and had a double mastectomy along with reconstructive surgery. During the same year, my mom's dementia had progressed to the point that we needed to admit her into an assisted-living facility. She was very confused, fearful, and resistant so the transition was incredibly heartbreaking and difficult. Just when things started to settle down during that year, my healthy 58-year-old brother died in a horrific accident. As you might expect when so much is heaped on one person, I started to live my life in fear, which turned into paralyzing anxiety, making me incredibly frightened as to what might happen next.

After much self-examination, therapy, reading multiple self-help books, and practicing mindfulness and meditation on a daily basis, I decided to become a life coach. Since both of my cancers were found in the early stages and didn’t require treatment, I wholeheartedly feel that my higher power has allowed me to find these cancers early so that I could remain here to help clients create a vision for themselves by letting go of what no longer serves them, discrediting limiting beliefs so that they can embrace their authentic selves and create their own exciting, unique path.

I look forward to working with you and helping you maximize your true potential! Together we will create a customized action plan based on deep intuitive self-discovery and guidance. We are a team, working together to attain the professional and personal growth you're striving for.

I will be at your side empowering you to find your strengths so you can make the necessary revisions to your life to boost your self-confidence, eliminate obstacles to your success, and Find Your Joy & Run With It.